Saturday, December 13, 2008

#15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Some interesting essays were presented here. I think the final one, "To a temporary place in time...", sparked my imagination the most. As I was reading the final paragraphs, I envisioned a "premium" library, with monthly dues, much like a gym membership. At first I thought this may seem too elitist for a library to participate in, but everyone offers upgrades these days. Why not a library? It could be a private library rather than a public library.

Would someone pay to become a member of a library? There could be a market for a place like this. We already have people coming in buying daily passes to use the computers. Maybe something around the size of a small branch to start off with, then it could be expanded or more private branches could be built as demand increases.

A membership at the "mind gym" could include all Internet service, and include a wide range of reference and current materials that may not be as easily accessed from your home computer. A membership could also include use of quiet rooms, since quiet seems to be a forgotten art in libraries these days. Librarians could be the personal "trainers" to help members flex their brains. All the services and equipment a library offers, just geared to a more personalized application.

Hopefully, I don't sound too flip about the subject. But I'm only half joking here. I can see a need for a place like this as libraries become more like community centers and Internet cafes, and less conducive to studying and thinking. Perhaps there are already places like this. Anyway, just something that popped in my head as I was reading...

Monday, November 24, 2008

#14 Getting Not-So-Technical with Technorati

Wow. There's a lot going on Technorati. It's a bit overwhelming at first, but I jumped on the merry-go-round and took a few spins. I did manage to claim my blog (I think) and add a Technorati gadget to my blog. Now I'm going to try to tag this post. Cross your fingers!

# 13 Tagging, Folksonomies & Social Bookmarking in

Yee-haw! I have explored delicious and even added the network badge to my blog! I am bad!

I have a tendency to become engrossed in the exploring part of the exercise, but then when time comes to post about it here, I don't really know what to say. I think having a way to access my bookmarks from any computer is a neat concept, certainly. I liked clicking to see who else has bookmarked the same sites I've bookmarked, then seeing what else they've bookmarked. I really like typing the word "bookmark". Fun stuff, once again.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

# 12 Add a Jaxcat Gadget

I did it! First try!

Now, for something totally random...

#11 A Thing about Library Thing

I have a Shelfari account, which is similar to this. I found this site to be more fun, though. I don't know why, really. Maybe I just like the way it looks more than Shelfari.

As you can see, I've added a few more than the requisite 5 the lesson called for.

#10 Play Around with Image Generators

Originally uploaded by bradleysean66
This is my generator result for #10... I had wayyyyy too much fun exploring these! That's why I'm so behind! Plus, we were out of town for a week... :-)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Exercise #9

Yes, I'm totally addicted to this now. In the same way I can use Facebook to entertain and inform my friends and family in one convenient place, Bloglines will be a gathering place for all my varied interests now. I found it easiest to go directly to my favorite sites and add them via the "Sub with Bloglines" tool, but I have thoroughly explored all the options posted on the exercise. (By the way, does Feedster even exist anymore? All signs point to: no.)

Exercise #8

I like it! I like it a lot! This was an exercise that took a while for me, as this related to nothing I had ever done on the internet, other than seeing that RSS icon and thinking, "gee, I wonder what that is?" Now I know, and I'm pretty excited! Hopefully, everyone sticks with it. I can definitely see this as being something I will be using in the future, as I'm constantly perusing my favorite websites, in search of the latest news. Brilliant!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

Catholic Church
Originally uploaded by bradleysean66
This is on Ocean Street.

Main Library downtown

Main Library downtown
Originally uploaded by bradleysean66
This is the Main Street side of the Main Library downtown. I thought this came out nice.

Tree on Main Street

Tree on Main Street
Originally uploaded by bradleysean66
So, I'm trying to learn how to take better pictures with my digital camera. I never took it seriously before, but I feel motivated to learn more lately! So, while still not awesome, I took some pictures after work tonight and I thought I might share them.

Thing #7

Hmm, this can be about anything technology related? Okay, let's start with a confession: I'm a Scrabble addict. Even more so, I am a word freak.

And I didn't realize this until 2001. That was the year Stefan Fatsis released "Word Freak", a tawdry tale of brilliant minds obsessed with anagrams, word stems, prefixes, suffixes, and all the ways a word can torn apart and reassembled to make new words. They travel the country from tournament to tournament, trying to make it to the National Scrabble Association Championship held each year in various venues across the country. Some become too enthralled, to the point of being unable to hold down a job, sustain personal relationships or even maintain their personal hygiene.

I have not gotten to that point. Yet. But after reading the book twice, I knew I was destined to become more than a casual player of the game Alfred Butts had invented so many years ago. Despite not being addicted to that extent, I do have the kind of brain that is constantly rearranging letters, trying to find anagrams I had not seen previously. Many a conversation on road trips with Sharon is with statements that begin "Did you know you can spell such-and-such word when you rearrange the letters in another such-and-such word?"

Which brings me to the point of this blog entry and how it relates to technology. I found a gaming site online that supported Scrabble addicts like myself, but it soon lost the rights. I was distraught, but one of my fellow Scrabblers informed me of a new site, with a much better, faster interface: the Internet Scrabble Club! It was a Scrabble lover's Mecca! You could set the games for however long you wanted, play against people at any skill level and chat with people from every corner of the world. You can play in several languages, under different countries' dictionaries and rules, including English, French, Romanian, Italian and Dutch. The varieties are many and varied, and the best thing is it's all for free. You can get more perks by being a contributory member, but so far, the free version has sated my Scrabble cravings.

If you're ever in the mood for a game, look me up! My handle is bjaskula, and you can download the interface at .

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by bradleysean66
This is the trading card I created with the Trading Card Creator. Yay!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Originally uploaded by bradleysean66
This is a picture I took of my cat Bailey from this evening. Sharon and I found her in front of Bailey's Gym on Dunn Avenue nearly 3 years ago. She's been quite an addition to our household... in that she is a spoiled brat most of the time. She tries to fight with me as I prepare to leave for work in the morning. She runs around the house at lightning speed whenever denied her own way. Or she takes it out on our poor older cat, Peanut.

But she can show a sweet side, and immediately melt away any misgivings I may have about rescuing her. Once in awhile, she'll curl up in my lap, or snuggle with us in the bed at night, and all her mischief and misbehavior are forgiven. Because I'm a sucker for a pretty girl.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let's do the Time Warp again (for the first time)

Sharon and I went to the Florida Theatre last night for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Neither of us had seen it on the big screen with the crowd participation and accompanying props, so it was a lot of fun to lose our... erm, to be there! We sat with a few other library folks (who may want to remain anonymous, so I won't tell!) They shared rice and toilet paper with us, we did the Time Warp and loved the costumes the audience wore. I wish I had better pictures to share!

We're both totally addicted now, and can never miss another showing of this cult classic. Of course, we are already planning on doing our own version featuring Darth Tater (who I should have had with me last night, a missed opportunity) and a cast of Potato Heads! Be on the look out!

Monday, October 20, 2008

7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

Habit 7 1/2 is the easiest for me, because I'm of the mind that I can "play" with anything and eventually discover what makes it work. Habit 7 would probaby be most difficult for me, because I don't always feel that I have the knowledge necessary to teach others.