Saturday, January 10, 2009

#23 Is This Really The End?

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

There were so many: Learning about RSS feeds, Bloglines, image generators, Library Thing, Zoho writer, adding gadgets, playing with Youtube and Flickr, learning about the list could go on and on.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

I thrive when I'm learning new things and enjoy new experiences. I feel more enthusiastic about delving into the internet. It seems less intimidating now.

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

Even without the promise of an mp3 player, I found this to be a great confidence builder. I feel like I figured a lot of these things out, when I started with no clue as to what I was reading!

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

I think my main difficulty was finding the time to do it. I never really have time at work to do much other than my job. I did almost all of it from home, which put me behind during the holidays and the times our computer wouldn't work. But I'm not sure how to rectify this.

And last but not least…

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?


#22 Audio Books (or "The end is near")

Yay! Great stuff! I downloaded Overdrive and checked out a book! I picked out "The Boy who Burped Too Much"... I don't why, just seemed like a fun, and short, way to experiment and see if Overdrive really works! And it did! I plan on using it for other books and video, as well, not just books about kids with gastrointestinal distress.

# 21 Podcasts, Smodcasts

Whew! I did it, finally. i had a time figuring this one out. I think that had a lot to do with the fact I never did anything with podcasts before and really wasn't exactly sure what they were. I feel like I have a little more of a handle on what they are, even if i don't immediately plans to dive into the world of podcasting anytime soon.

I added the podcast for the "Mike and MIke" radio show, which is also broadcast on ESPN weekday mornings. I don't usually enjoy talk radio, but these two are consistently entertaining and rarely annoying (which is my problem with most talk radio, and TV for that matter).

Anywya, i did it! And I'm listening to it even as I type this, so this is pretty cool. Maybe I'll explore this a little more after all...

# 20 You Too Can YouTube

Youtube video of a commercial for Darth Tater.

I typed a bit about my youtube experience, then it disappeared. Anyway, to sum up, I have used youtube for a few months already and enjoy the variety of things I can find on it. Thank you.

Friday, January 9, 2009

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

I explored I'm a music fanatic, so this was a delight. I set up an account (I've done that a lot during these exercises!) and added some of my favorite artists to my library. The pop up window would frequently freeze during this action. I've have to close out of everything and return to the website. Pretty annoying.

But there are links to downloads, videos, shows in our area, etc. All the things a music devotee could want. maybe I'll return and check it our further. I was on the site on a Friday night, so maybe it was busy.


I tried out after I posted this, and it is too awesome! You type in an artist and it creates a radio station for you based on the artist you chose. It did great with the first 3 artists I tried. Try it for yourself!

#18 Web-Based Apps: They're Not Just For Desktops

Okay, here we go!


I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.


I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.


I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.


I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.


I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.


I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.


  1. I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.
  2. I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.

  3. I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.

I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.



I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.



I'm playing around with Zoho Writer's features and then I will attempt to publish it to a blog.

# 17 Playing Around with PB Wiki

Hey, hey! I added my blog to the favorite blog list. I've added to the favorite web site and vacation spot lists as well.

#16 So What's a Wiki?

I've been using Wikipedia for years now, but I know to take the information there with a grain of salt. I do see Wikipedia's value for sharing information. If you can endure the unedited and unrestrained nature of some of it, you can find information that may only hold interest for you and the author of the entry. I guess I prefer a uniformity of format, presentation or consistency in my reference material.